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Contributing to our

Family Collections

Some General things that you can put into a bio

(not all are necessary):


· Major incidents in childhood (living on farm, parent or siblings dying, moves, foster homes, etc)


· Major education of interest… maybe mention if you went to same school as parents and grandparents, College degrees, trainings


· Titles held, Miss America, President of club or board memberships, etc


· Social work, church work, volunteer work, student exchanges, mission trips, etc


-A religious experience you might want to share


· Occupations, jobs


· Family, marriages, children


· Major incidents or moves that shaped and affected your life.


· Major illnesses or diseases (and how you coped, if you want to)


· Death: if you’re writing about someone else, put when, where and how they and their spouse died.


Length: ½ to 2 pages long


I am adding a profile of each person, (in block form) These are the things that I would like to have in it:


1. Occupation(s)

2. Education

3. Clubs or associations (not necessary)

4. Religious affiliation

5. Physical: (color of eyes and hair, height, any genetic thing that your family should know about.



On this website, I can put quite a few photos.  I'll put as many photos as I can with their profile, especially those that represent their lives. 


So, this is what I am looking for:


1. husband and wife (together or separate) ---if you were married more than one time and had children by that person, it would be good to have your former spouse's photo also if possible.


2. family photo of mother & father & children (both when the children were little and when they were adults


3. Wedding photo


4. Military photo


5. Something that would represent their lives... their work, hobbies, etc.



Collecting information and stories about our family is so wonderful.

We can pass on our heritage to our children and learn what type of persons we all are.


Dianne Hurley  and Wally Russell spent years researching and collecting stories for us, and so we have so many stories thanks to them. Now, we are putting everything together into a publishable format, and of course updating things that she hadn't gotten yet. (FIRST BOOK IS FINISHED!!)


I have completed our direct line from William Russell to Augustus Russell, all of his siblings, all of the second generation, most of the third generation, and some of the fourth & fifth generation.


This is what I call completed: 

1. Made a family chart with the parents and children with their dates of births, deaths, and marriages.

2. Researched and wrote a profile/bio of each person, outlining their life, if it wasn't done yet.

3. Put pictures of father & mother with the chart if available.


Goal for myself: finish all of the third and fourth generation (this will be in Book 2)


If you know your grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles well, and would like to write a brief summary of their lives, I would really appreciate it. 


 Besides the family charts and profiles, I plan to have an index of our family in the back of the book of all our family, even if they do not have profiles (of course, small children haven't lived their life to tell about yet, but they can be listed). The way that descendants will be listed will be first name, last maiden name, and birth year.



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