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William, Jason Hubbard, Jason, Jason, Jason, Jesse, Augustus, Inis

Mairlyn Iris Lathrop Johnson Haynes


Mairlyn Iris Lathrop-Johnson-Haynes 1930.jpg


Larry        Raymond       Mary


 Marlyn & I were born in 1938 and the last of the grandies of A.P. Russell. Well, technically I’m the last as I’m Marlyns clone I’m 3 minutes younger. Marlyn & I also are mirror twins. I’m her reflection & I was born left handed. Schools trained lefties to use the right hand. So I use both hands in some things. We also have birthmark on same arm but different size & color.


We’ve been mistaken for each other all our lives. Always interesting days only government dealings do we want to scream.  My children when they were little couldn’t tell us apart & the question was always “are you my mother or my anti.” The answer? It was always “does it matter”? 

BACKGROUND OF TWINS—Marlyn and Mairlyn

Marlyn Inis and Mairlyn Iris were identical twins born three minutes apart. Marlyn was the elder. They were identical, dressed alike which made it difficult at times to tell them apart. People were always getting the girls mixed up, which didn’t bother the girls. They would simply tell the individual who they really were and continue along. Both girls were educated in the same schools, had the same teachers, and were in the same classrooms. They were adored by the elder sisters who were 15 and 18 years their senior.


As the twins became older, they were often approached by strangers asking them questions— “were they twins? What does it feel like to be a twin? Do you like to dress alike? Do you tease people as to who you really are? And can your parents tell you apart?” ---etc. This experience taught them to be gracious and to mix well with strangers.


After taking training as models, they became part of the modeling circuit, modeling clothes in the Portland department stores. They were the Twins, the Papermate Pen Twins (when Papermate introduced the double hearts for their logo). As well as the Sylvania Twins (when Sylvania Electric Company introduced soft light). Perhaps this all started when, as young girls, they were asked to help Santa at their father’s bank.


The Twins were very close, however, they each had one close outside friend. Coincidentally, each of their friend’s name was Shirley. The twins had their own language, and more often than not they completed each other’s sentences while talking. Although they were so identical in looks, they also had the same mannerisms, as well as their voices sounded the same. 


However, their personalities, and interests were seemingly opposite. This characteristic was complementary and removed any competition between them. Marlyn was quiet, made up her own mind, mothered her twin sister and nephew and was selective of her friends. Mairlyn, on the other hand, was outgoing, extremely artistic, musical and was inclusive in her friendships. Both had what was to become known as ESP. To this day when something has happened to one—the other one senses and knows it. Both girls were well-liked by those who knew them.

Esther Fields Mairlyn Lathrop-haynes, Sh
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