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William, Jason Hubbard, Jason, Jason, Jason, Jesse, Augustus


Earl Warren Russell


Earl Warren Russell 1888.jpg



Delton Stanley Russell            Marie Isabelle Geer            Doris Irene Russell Maguigan



1910: Worker at the Creamery  (re: Federal Census)

1916: Farmer for Arch, brother (re: WWI draft registration)

1920: Farmer -- general farm (re: Federal Census)

1930: Mechanic in Logging Camp (re: Federal Census) 



Oregon Agricultural College (OCU) - Corvallis, Oregon



Blue eyes, Light colored hair

Bright's Disease, Chronic intestinal nephritis




From "William Russell Family" by Opel Louise Currier


Earl was a serious, hard-working lad. Was unable to finish the schooling he so longed for, because the father needed him on the farm so much of the time. He did get through the 8th grade and later was able to attend what was then called the Oregon Argicultural College in Corvallis, Oregon (now OSU). Also, he took a course in buttermaking so was the buttermaker at the Shelburn Creamery, owned by Stanley Taylor. Later, Taylor sold.


Earl had married a neighbor girl, Anna Steidel. For a time, he tried to make a living on a 40 acre farm north of Shelburn, but since much of it was a swamp and overgrown brush, there wasn’t much that was tillable. He moved off the farm and went to Grass Valley to work for Arch, his brother.


While there, he contracted Bright’s disease and died at the age of 34. He left Anna, the widow, and three young children, the oldest being nine years old. Later, Anna and his brother, Rainious were married.


Earl was a wonderful person, his thoughts seemed to run deep. He wasn’t given to idle conversation, but was a good listener and deeply respected by all who knew him. Was not a large man, but was very muscular and loved to play baseball on the neighborhood team.


1900 Census Homer Russell, Augustus.jpg

1900 Census

1910 Census Augustus, Homer Russell.jpg

1910 Census

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