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William, Jason Hubbard, Jason, Jason, Jason, Jesse, Augustus, Ella

Ed Lybecker.jpg

Charles Edward (Ed) Lybecker




1917:  Engineer at Washington State College (re: draft registration card)

1920: Farmer of Grain Farm (re: Federal Census)

1930: Ed, Plumber & Electrician Shop Owner

           Dixie, elementary teacher (re: Federal Census)

1940: Ed, Plumbing & Electrician on Construction sites

           Dixie,  Propieter of Boarding house (re: Federal Census)



1910: Agriculture College (re: federal census)

3 years college


4 years college



Blue eyes, dark brown hair, dark skin, 6' height

Charles Edward (Ed) Lybecker



Charles Lybecker “Ed” was second child of Ella and Charles “Carl” Lybecker. Charles’ mother, Ella, was first born of Augustus, who traveled from the east coast to west coast during the gold rush. Carl was born in Sweden and came to America as a child with his parents.


Ed’s mother, Ella knew the importance of school and education and made sure her children had that dream also. At twenty-five, the 1910 federal census shows that he was studying agriculture in college. He completed three years in college. His wife, Dixie, had four years of college.


In 1917, Ed married Dixie Mae Trull. He was working as a farmer on a grain farm at the time. Dixie's parents, John and Rachel Trull, were good friends of the Lybecker family. The Trulls had a large family (eight children) as did the Lybeckers (nine children). 


The 1920 census shows that the Trulls lived close to them. Ed and Dixie's farm was #98 and John and Rachel's farm was #92. Her two brothers and sister, Ian, Rachel and George, also had farms in the area. After Dixie's father died in 1927, her mother continued to live there.


By 1930, Ed had his own Plumbing and Electric Shop in which he was the employer. Dixie was an elementary school teacher. Their first baby died at childbirth, but within two years, they had a healthy boy, Louis. One year later in 1922, they had a daughter, Mary Ellen. 


In 1940, the Federal Census shows that Ed was still doing electrical and plumbing at construction sites.  Dixie was the proprietor of a boarding house and was working 70 hours a week.


There were many students that lived in Dixie's boarding house, including Miles Mattson. Her niece, Hollis, was visiting and met Miles. After he moved on, he kept in contact and they eventually married. Other family members stayed at Dixie's boarding house and Ella's boarding house, attending college. Their land was close to each other, and close to the school. 


Ed died in 1950 at 60 years old, and Dixie died in 1982 at 93 years old.

Ella Lybecker & family.jpg
Dixie, Louis and Baby Olson edited.jpg

Dixie with Louis and baby Olson

1931 John Perry Trull & Rachel Matilda M

Dixie Trull


1931 John Perry Trull & Rachel Matilda Mann Trull


Dixie's parents

Mabel Bostwick, the 2 is Celia, the 3 is
Sylvia & Ed - Copy.jpg
Dixie and Ed in the back row, the front

Dixie and Ed in the back row, the front row is Rachel Mann Trull ( Dixie's mother). Mary Ellen Lybecker Jones, holding Cathryn, Ella Russell Lybecker

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