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Children of Jesse Russell

William, Jason Hubbard, Jason, Jason, Jason, Jesse

Diantha Russell Giles

Diantha Lovina Russell Giles


Diantha Sarah (Lovina) Russell Giles  18



Paul, farmer

Aaron, farmer



Diantha, had broncitus & Influenza, then died of heart failure

Paul, died of electrical shock

DIANTHA “Lovina” Sarah Russell



As far as can be ascertained, Diantha “Lovina” (Lavina) Russell was the first born child of Jesse Russell and Lovina Wyman Russell. She was born November 22, 1922 in Mayfield, Somerset Co., Maine. (The obituary of Alden Russell, her brother, states that he was born in 1823 and was the 2nd child of Jesse and Lovina.) Diantha’s death record found in Cheboygan, Michigan lists her parents as Jessie Russell and Leovina Wyman. She was not listed in the Russell HX found in Carroll Co., IA so was harder to prove. It should be noted that other siblings were missing from that listing as well. Diantha Russell was one of 13 children of Jesse Russell (one of 12 of Lovina Wyman).


At this time, not much is known of Diantha’s earlier life. Her mother was 16 when she was born, and being one of Lovina’s 12 children, she would have lived a very busy life. Mayfield and the surrounding area is forested. Ponds are readily found in the heavily glaciated area. Granite was quarried and potatoes were grown—starch being a valuable product.  


During this time, through to 1869, Diantha and her husband Paul Giles lived in Athens, Somerset Co., Maine next door to father Jesse Russell. Diantha and Paul (b. 1817 Maine, son of Paul Giles Sr and Sally b. 1789 NH) were married in 1843 when she was 21 years old. Diantha was 26 years old when her mother died. Diantha already had three children by then. Her brother, Augustus Palmer Russell, was only 15 when his mother died and he went to stay with Diantha for a couple of years.  Several of the older children lived with their siblings after their mother died.


In the 1860 Census, it shows that Paul’s mother, Sally was living with them. In 1866, Mary Ellen, Diantha’s daughter died at age 20 years old.


At the age of 47 years old, Diantha was widowed when her husband died of an electrical shock in 1869 at the age of 52. Her youngest child, Della, was only one year old. Her oldest son, George, was 26.


Sally, Paul’s mother was 70 years old in 1870 and she was still living with them at 81 years old, even after her son, Paul, died. She must’ve been a comfort to Diantha through all her losses in such a few short years.


Some time after 1870, her son, Augustus P, went to California. He died in 1875 at 19 years old. No details of his trip or death other than his tomb stone is evident. His grave is in Yuba City, California, not far from Sutter where his uncle, Augustus Palmer Russell, lived. 


Five of Diantha’s children moved to the west. One lived in California and the other four lived in Washington, one of which (Isaac) married A.P.’s sister-in-law, Clara Rarrick.


Diantha remarried about 1880 a gentleman by the name of Aaron Nickerson who was a farmer. Lovina lived in Skowhegan in 1880 and Aaron was residing in Belfast, Maine and in the 1880 census, a housekeeper, Lizzie R. Locke (41) with her children, Sadie M. (3) and Charles A. Locke (8) are listed with him. Aaron was born 4 Apr 1806 in Swanville, Maine, the son of Seth and Margaret P. White Nickerson. (Margaret White was the daughter of Jonathan and Jennie White. Seth Nickerson was the son of Reuben, Joshua Samuel, Samuel, William Nickerson).


Alden Giles, Diantha’s son, owed Aaron Nickerson $2000 and also a debt on land dated 26, Apr 1883…” “He was bound, holden and obligated unto Aaron and Diantha to take care of them and pay for bills---which he did…” Aaron Nickerson and his wife went to Massachusetts to live with his daughter and husband. That’s where Aaron died (at age 80) and they sent his body back to Belfast, ME.


Aaron Nickerson, Benjamin Freeman Nickerson were brothers.(Parents were  Diantha’s daughter, Maria, married Elisha who was Benjamin’s son in 1882. Diantha’s other daughter, Lovina, married Seth Nickerson who was also Benjamin’s son.) Aaron died in 1886 just six years after marrying Diantha. It is suggested that Diantha then married Benjamin sometime between 1886-1893, but no documents have proved that as yet.


Then apparently, Diantha went to Michigan to live with relatives. According to the 1900 Michigan census, Diantha Nickerson was listed living with her youngest daughter, Della S., and her husband, James Salmon. Diantha’s three youngest daughters lived in Cheboygan, Michigan at that time.


Less than one year later, Diantha passed away. Diantha died on Janu 21, 1901 at 78 years old. She had bronchitis, & Influenza for one week, which eventually resulted in heart failure.

Alden Russell 1823-1907

Alden Russell


Alden Russell 1823 - 1907.jpg



Prominent farmer for 60 years


Community, Clubs, Positions:

Member of the State Militia



Organic trouble with heart, died of acute indigestion/heart


Religious Affiliations:





from "William Russell Family" by Opel Louise Currier


Alden was born in Brighton, Maine, 1823, the son of Jesse and Lovina (Wyman) Russell. He was the second child in a large family. It was in Cornville, Somerset Co, Maine that Alden spent the major part of his life. He was a prominent farmer in this town for 60 years.


Alden married Hannah Hilton in 1843. They had ten children.  Six of whom lived to adulthood. Edwin and Emma were twins. Hannah died in 1892 at 72 years old.


He later married Mary Judkins (widow of George Dearborn) in 1893. After Mary died in 1900, Alden married Mary’s sister, Priscilla Judkins in 1901.


Alden was always a vigorous, industrious man and was very active till the close of his life. Alden was a man of marked character. His integrity was unquestionable. As a neighbor he was thoughtful and helpful, and ever ready to aid those in need. He was of an exceedingly cheerful disposition. He was also quiet and reserved in manner; he loved his home and was a generous provider. For several years he had been afflicted with an organic trouble with his heart.


On the evening of Dec. 2, 1907, he had a sudden attack of acute indigestion, and being a man of advance years, was unable to combat the disease. (I suspect that he was suffering from congestive heart failure…Dianne) The death record states that Alden died Dec. 5, 1907 of acute indigestion/heart disease. He was 84 years old. Priscilla died a couple years later in 1909.

Josiah Russell 1827-1901
Grandpa Russell 1894.jpg

Josiah Russell


Josiah Russell 1827 - 1901.jpg



1860: Farmer (re: federal census

1870: farmer (re: federal census)

1880: farmer (re: federal census)

1900: Farmer (re: federal census)



Died of Pneumonia



1827 - 1901


When Josiah Russell was born on October 24, 1827, in Brighton, Maine, his father, Jesse, was 24 and his mother, Lovina, was 20.


When Josiah was 22 years old, he worked in a hotel. He married Jane Mary Durrell on September 11, 1853, in Solon, Maine when he was 25 years old. They had four children during their marriage.


Josiah & Mary’s daughter, Lydia May, passed away on February 10, 1861, in Bingham, Maine, at the age of 8. They had a baby that also died around that same time.  In the same year, the civil war broke out.

In the 1860 Federal Census, it’s recorded that Josiah was a farmer. By 1870, the federal census records that he was a farmer in California.


Josiah & Mary moved with their two children to Los Angeles, California. Family members sited that they came by ship from Maine around the Cape of Good Hope to Los Angeles. Their daughter, Anna,  married Thomas Juden in California who was born in Missouri. Thomas' father, George Washington Juden, brought his family to Los Angeles by covered wagon.


Josiah lived in California in 1870 until he died in 1901 at 73 years old. His wife, Jane Mary died in 1910 at 82 years old.

Charles H Russell1862-1915

Charles H. Russell


Charles H Russell 1832 - 1915.jpg



Co. G. 13th N.H. Regiment, volunteer, corporal in the Civil War




Injury from war, died of hemiplegia and old age


Memberships, Clubs, etc:

member of Custos Morum Lodge of I.O.O.F. of Milford


Religious Affliation:

Congregational Church, deacon

by Dianne Hurley:


Charles H. Russell, was born 4 April 1832, in Birghton, Somerset County, Maine, the son of Jesse “Gus” Russell and Lovina Wyman Russell, daughter of John Wyman and Abiah “Bier” Spaulding. Charles was probably the 5th or 6th child of this union; at least 6 or 7 more children joined the family in years to come. In the Mayfield, Somerset Co. 1840 census, at the age of 8, he had 8 siblings. He was about sixteen years of age at the time of his mother’s death. He was not living at home according in the 1850 federal census. He would have been 18 at that time. I did find a Charles H. Russell, sixteen years of age, who farmed himself out, that possibly could be our Charles. This needs to be further researched. His father, Jesse Russell, had remarried, so the home had a stemother and more little siblings.


Charles removed to New Hampshire, to start a new life. He married Amanda Betsey Gilson (daughter of William Gilson and Eliza Ames) on 1 April 1857, in Brookline, Hillsboro Co., NH, by the Rev. Y.P. Swain (Sawen) at the home of the Gilsons.


The Civil War had begun; Charles enrolled on the 14th day of August at Mason in Co. G. 13th Regiment of New Hampshire’s Volunteers. He was mustered in as a private on 19 Sept, 1862, at Concord; he described himself as 5’9” with light complexion, blue eyes and dark hair. He was in the war for three years, and mustered out with the company 21 June 165as a Corporal at Richmond, VA. His company was commanded by Captain Nathan D. Stadley. At the age of 45 years, Charles applied for a disability pension. He farmed before and after the civil War, but he stated:


“in June 1864, in front of Petersburgh, Va. While detailed as cook – carrying rations to the company 1 ½ miles, I so injured my side that I have never recovered and it is growing worse. Am unable to work for weeks at a time and can do no lifting or shoveling or like work. Am disabled about half the time-the pain extends to my bowels and through to my back. I was treated by my Regimental Surgeon only. I claim pension on injury to my left side.”

The Assistant Adjutant General made notes of his company muster roll:”…STATON June 30, 1864 near Petersburg, Va. July – August 1864, present, sick.” Charles’ pension however, was rejected.



Charles then applied for pension in 1897, followed by a declaration for pension under the Act of 1907. This one was accepted 8 April 1907, and followed up on until his death on July 4, 1915, at which time his pension was dropped and Amanda worked through the process and received $12.00 per month entitlement until her death on 24 May 1921.


During or following the War (between 1861 and 1870), Charles and Amanda adopted a child, Minnie Louise., according to the 1870 and 1880 Federal Census records, Brookline, Hillsboro Co., New Hampshire. Minnie’s biological father was Jeremiah Sylke, a laborer. Her biological mother was Mary Sullivan from England. In 1870, Minnie L. was 9 years old (born in 1861 in Mass with both adoptive parents born in NH).


Also living with Charles and Amanda, was Amanda’s sister, Harriet M. Gilson, at age 38, never married, no occupation.* She was listed as adopted once again in the 1880 at the age of 19. Harriett was still listed at age 48 with no occupation.


Charles and his younger sister, Frances Mary Russell Emery maintained a relationship with brother, Augustus Palmer Russell, though at a long distance. We are told that AP lived with his sister in NH for 2 to 3 years, before he ventured out West., and visited the East at least once.


The Milford Cabinet and Wilton Journal

September 2, 1915

Charles Russell, one of our oldest and most highly respected citizens, passed away at his home on Milford St. on Friday, Aug 1915, in his home on Milford Street in on Friday, the 17th, after a long illness. He was a member of G.A.R. Post No. 5 of Milford, having enlisted in 1862 in Co. G. 13th N.H. Regiment. He was honorably discharged after about three years of service with the rank of Corporal.


He was also a member of Custos Morum Lodge of I.O.O.F. of Milford. Since coming to Brookline, 16 years ago, he has been a faithful attendant of the Congregational Church serving as deacon for a number of years. Mr. Russell was 83 years old. He leaves a widow to mourn his loss.

Augustus Palmer 1833-1919

Augustus PalmerRussell


Augustus, Sarah, Harriet Russell 1833 -




1870: Farmer (re: Federal Census)

1880: Farmer (re: Federal Census)

1900: Farmer (re: Federal Census)

1910: Farmer (re: Federal Census)



Augustus, Malaria

Harriet, congestive heart failure, Bright's Disease




Augustus Palmer Russell was borne in Brighton Somerset Co., Maine. He had an average education and his father was a farmer.


At age 20 or 21 years old, Augustus went to Sutter California by taking a boat & then walking across the isthmus of Panama by most accounts, some say he came around the Horn at the southern tip of South America. There is an Augustus Russell listed on a passage ship as an assistant cook at 20 years old. The ship was from London in 1856, the destination was New Wales, Australia. He probably got on when it stopped in New England, and got off at the Panama isthmus. It doesn’t show that he actually arrived in Australia.

Augustus worked for the pioneer Bidwell at Chico, California, hauling by horse team freight up to the mines in the mountains.


Augustus homesteaded in Sutter City, California and married Sarah Rarrick. Sarah bore him three children. When Sarah died, he married her sister, Harriet who bore him 14 children. Augustus and Harriet were very happily married.


The Russells stayed in Sutter for 14 years and raised prunes, apples, hogs and cows. They sold their farm and moved to Oregon. They lost most of everything on the trip up and in the climate. They bought land in Douglas, Clarkland, Oregon. Then they sold that land and moved to Shelbourn, Oregon, where they raised apples and made vinegar. When they were older, they sold the farm at Shelbourn and moved to McClay, Oregon, where they had a smaller farm and raised corn, grain and apples. These apples were Bellflower variety, and sold them to shipping vessels for their store.


Augustus died at McClay a few months after his wife passed away.

For more detailed account of Augustus’ life, see the page of Augustus’ Family.

Sarah A. Russell Morse 1934

Sarah A. Russell Morse


Sarah A Russell 1834-1866.jpg




1880: farmer (re: federal Census)


Ambrose, Rheumatism

Religious Affiliations:






Sarah Russell was born to Jesse and Lovina Russell in 1834 in Brighton, Somerset, Maine. She was the seventh child of ten children. Her mother died when she was 14 years old. Her oldest siblings were already married or left home, but there were still three children younger than she, the youngest being only about two years old. Sarah’s father, Jesse married two years later to Eliza and they had another child, Almira.


Sarah married Ambrose P. Morse. A farmer. He had been married previously to Mary R. Wheeler, who bore him eight children. She died the same year as her last child (perhaps in childbirth) in 1863. Sarah married him shortly after this and they had a daughter, Mary A. Morse, in 1865. Sarah died the following year in 1866. Ambrose married again, to Harriet Ann the following year and had three more children.


So, even though Mary, Sarah’s daughter lost her mother very young in life, she had a new mommy and many half siblings, older and younger than she.


Sarah’s daughter, Mary, married Edward Murphy who was a retail druggist and had seven children.

Frances Mary Russell 1839

Frances "Frankie" Mary Russell


Frances Mary Russell 1839- 1911.jpg




1819: Farmer worker (re: Draft registration)


1859: Cooker (re: marriage documentary)


Frances, died of acute pancreatic

Religious affiliation:

Congregational Church





When Frances Mary Russell was born on January 22, 1839, in Athens, Maine, her father, Jesse, was 36, and her mother, Lovina, was 32. She was known by her family as “Frankie”. She grew up on a farm. When she was nine years old, her mother died. Her sister, Nancy, was seven years old and a brother, Jesse who was three years old.


Two years later, her father remarried to Eliza Whittier. It’s not clear if Frances lived with her father after her mother died, or if she stayed with relatives. Her older sister was already married and lived next door.


She married Benjamin Boutwell on December 7, 1857, in Brookline, New Hampshire when she was 18 years old and he was 37 years old. It seems that it was a short marriage.


Two years later she then married Lewis L. Emery on March 16, 1859, in New Hampshire. Lewis was a farmer with a land value at $1000. By 1870, his land value grew to $1700 and is recorded as a cooper in Brookline.


Frankie had no children, but maintained contact with her family, especially her nephew Willy Wescott who she willed her silver spoons to. She was in constant attendance and devotion to the Congregational Church of which she had been a member for many years.


In 1910, Frances is listed as living alone as a widow. She has lived in Brookline for fifty years. After her 73rd birthday, Frances became severely ill with an acute pancratitis attack lasting 48 hours resulting in her death on January 25, 1911. She was 72 years old.

Nancy Jane Russell 1841

Nancy Jane Russell Westcott Daggett


Jane Nancy Russell 1841-1900.jpg




1870: worked on farm (re: federal census)

1880: Farmer (re: federal census)





When Jane Nancy Russell was born on March 7, 1841, in Athens, Maine, her father, Jesse, was 38, and her mother, Lovina, was 34. Her mother died when she was only seven years old. Her father remarried Eliza when she was eleven years old. Eliza had a baby so she then had a half sister, Almira.


Her name was recorded in some places as Nancy Jane, and in other places Jane Nancy. It seems that she went by the name of Nancy most of the time.


On Feb 21,1860, Nancy married William Henry Wescott when she was 19 years old. William was 33 years old. They had nine children together.  In 1866, their fourth child, William, died at one year old.


When William died in 1885, their youngest child, Frankie, was nine years old. Several of their older children already married. In 1880, William & Nancy’s son, Jesse, is recorded in the federal census as a farm laborer at 16 years old. Jesse died two years after his father died at 23 years old.


Nancy then married Matthew Daggett. The date is not known as yet.


Nancy Jane Russell died on November 14, 1900, in her hometown at the age of 59, and was buried in Cornville, Maine.

Jesse Russell, Jr 1846

Jesse Russell, Jr


Jesse Russell, Jr 1846.jpg


Jesse Russell



When Jesse Russell was born in 1846 in Somerset, Maine, his father, Jesse, was 43 and his mother, Lovina Wyman, was 40. He had five brothers and six sisters. He was 3 years old when his mother died. Less than two years, his father was remarried to Eliza Whittier.


There is not any mention in any documents that I find after 1860 when he was 14 years old. He was living with his father, Jesse Russell, stepmother, Eliza, and half sister, Almira.

Elmira Russell 1851

Elmira  (Myra) E. Russell Stinchfield


Almira Russell 1851-1908.jpg



Almira, 1870: Worked at factory (re: Federal Census)

William, farmer



1851 – 1908


When Almira E. Russell was born on February 25, 1851, in Somerset, Maine, her father, Jesse, was 48, and her mother, Eliza, was 42. Jesse had been married before and had nine children who were her half brothers & sisters.

At 19 years old, she was still living with her mother & father, but had a job working at the factory.

She married Lewellyn A. Stinchfield on September 26, 1874, in her hometown. She was 23 years old and he was 26 years old. Lewellyn was a farmer. In the 1880 federal census, it shows that Almira’s mother, Eliza, was living with them. Eliza was 71 years old. This was a year after her father, Jesse, died. Eliza died four years later in 1884.

Almira died on April 1, 1908, in Athens, Maine, at the age of 57, and was buried there. Her husband, Lewellyn, died in 1923, at the age of 75 years old.

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