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William, Jason Hubbard, Jason, Jason, Jason, Jesse, Augustus, Archibald

Aunt Alma Missionary to Kenya.jpg

Alma Ruth Russell Dobra

1927 -2019 



Frank, Assistant Minister at Forest Grove Church, Interim pastor of Baptist Church

Alma, 1945: US Cadet Nurse Corp (re: Federal Security Agency)

both, 1955-1972: Missionary to Pakistan

both, 1972: Missionary to Uganda

both, 1972-1989: Missionary to Kenya

Alma, 1990: RN at Oak Villa Health Care Center




Pacific University

Class of 1953 · Forestgrove, Montana

Hillsboro, Oregon-Class of 1942


Religious Affiliation:

Conservative Baptist

by Alma Russell Dobra

July 1994


My twin sister, Irma Russell Collins and I entered Columbia Union High School in White Salmon, Washington in 1943 in our junior year from Lyle, Washington. I had enough credits my senior year to finish mid-term so I went to work at the White Salmon hospital. I had wanted to be a nurse for so long that I thought the experience of being a nurse’s aid would help me. I graduated with the rest of the class in June, 1945.


In September, 1945, I entered the Cadet Nurse Corp for three years of nurses training. The first nine months were spent at Eastern Oregon College of Education in LaGrande, Oregon. I finished my training at The Dalles School of Nursing in The Dalles, Oregon, receiving my R.N. degree in July 1948.


By then, my parents had moved from Lyle to Dexter, Oregon, near Eugene. I had been out of nurses training only two weeks when my younger brother had a plane accident. I went to Eugene to take care of him at the Sacred heart Hospital for a while until he was transferred to the Veteran’s Hospital in Portland. Eugene was where I met Frank Dobra. He was a student at the University of Oregon and was the minister at the Dexter Baptist Church my parents were attending. He had graduated from Northwestern Bible School in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1945 and had been in the Army in Japan before I met him. We were married July 24, 1949.


Our first home was in Forest Grove, Oregon. Frank was assistant minister at the Forest Grove Baptist Church and attended Pacific University there. Later, we moved to Marlene Village in Beaverton where Frank helped build and was the minister of the Village Baptist Church. Our two daughters, Ruth and Lois were born in Frank’s hometown of Hillsboro, Oregon during this time.


In September 1951, we moved to San Diego for two years to attend Linda Vista Bible School and Seminary. In July 1953, we were appointed as missionaries under The Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society, now known as Conservative Baptist International. We lived in Harrisburg for a few months in 1955 where Frank was interim pastor of the Baptist Church while we were awaiting our visa. It was while there that our third daughter, Julia was born. We left for West Pakistan, (now known as Pakistan), in November 1955 with our three daughters. Albert was born in Taxilla during our first year in Pakistan.


After serving for seventeen years in Pakistan we went to Uganda in September, 1972. At that time, the cruel dictator Idi Amin was in power. Because he refused to issue work permits to new missionaries we were forced to leave after three and a half months. Therefore, we went to the neighboring country of Kenya, where we worked on the lovely coast at Mombasa for the next seventeen years. We retired in June 1989 after thirty-six years. Much could be written about or adventures during these years.


We now live in Hillsboro, Oregon. I went to Clackamas Community College for three months in 1990 to get my R.N. license re-instated.


I have been working ever since in the skilled section of Oak Villa Health Care Center here in Hillsboro. I will probably retire in March 1995, which will give me five years of work.

We have nine granddaughters and two grandsons.

Al Dobra: "The day before Mother's Day, Sharon Dobra, and I were out for a country drive. We stopped at Dexter Baptist Church, where my mother and father first met. My dad, Frank Dobra, was the pastor. It was also the church that my grandparents were members of, Arch & Cora Russell. Their daughter, Alma Russell, returned from Nurses college for her school breaks, and met my dad. I took a picture of the building, (not changed in likely 70 years) and painted it this evening instead of having dinner. My sister, Ruth Carpenter, took the accompanying picture of our folks at some sort of significant celebration at the church a number of years ago. The church does have a new sign now at least."

Bonnie Ripley: Aunt Alma was so kind & strict at the same time to me growing up. Haha! Your parents took care of me many times when my parents would leave to go


Ted Marshburn: our friend Alma Dobra
and how helpful she was to us when we arrived in Mombasa Kenya in January,1975 . She took us to the market and showed us how to shop (bargaining for the price) she had lots of practical advice for us,the new short term medical missionaries in town.


This is the hospital that Frank Dobra was responsible for building in Pakistan


Monica Anthony: Wow! I still remember how Mr.Dobra used to drive me and my brothers (in his pickup truck) Jaiyanth and Sugganth and other kids our age to a Saturday class in their l home in Mombasa , Kenya way back in 1984!! God bless the Dobras for their lovely influence.


Kathy Kanchepera Keim: Alma was a woman of God. I remember staying at their house in Mombasa in 1977. We had devotions at breakfast, the only time I ever did that. 

Written by Al Dobra
01 20 2019
Our mom, Alma Russell, slipped through the fabric of time into eternity and the very presence of God, the creator of the universe at 10 pm Saturday evening. She is now gazing on the very face of God. "How precious in the sight of God is the death his his saints."


She was 21 days shy of her 91st birthday. Many of us gathered around her bed in hospital last night sang her happy birthday and prayed over her, blessed her & remembered her well. With Ruth Carpenter, Lois Ashe, Sharon Dobra, Russ Ragsdale, Crystal Jones, Tiffany Mapes, Jenny Barrick, Mykele Carpenter

Frank's father was from Hungary, and immigrated to United States. Two of his children (Frank and his sister, Ruth) became missionaries and worked with their families under CBFMS. Frank was in Mombasa, Kenya, and Ruth Dobra Ragsdale in Ivory Coast.

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the road in northern Pakistan going into

the road in northern Pakistan going into the Kaghan Valley where we would sometimes go for vacations especially for good trout fishing.

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This is the church that they met at.

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Painting of Dexter Baptist Church by Al Dobra

Lois, Al, Ruth, Alma, Julia

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mural that Frank Dobra, painted on the d
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